Hack: Dealing with Pet Odor

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Pet Odor Removal Tips

While a one cannot always prevent odor from happening 100% all of the time, following these simple steps will help make being a pet owner alot easier.

How many cats do you own?

Not performing routine maintenance on a litter box can have guests thinking a home owner has a herd rather than just one. Don’t be disillusioned by perfumed litters, they are not a long term fix in removing the scent of urine and feces. Scooping out used litter should be a daily ritual, even better is right after the cat uses the box. Think about it, don’t you flush every time you use the bathroom? Another good habit is using activated charcoal to absorb odors, stick a packet on the inside lid near the vent holes of the litter box to act as a filter. The activated charcoal is highly porous and does a great job in extracting undesirable pet odor from ever leaving the litter box.

Using an activated charcoal packet on a litter box vent will absorb odor.


Do you find yourself sniffing some unforeseen foul odor? Time to get your crime scene gear out to investigate; using an inexpensive black light will display pet fluids left behind on carpeting and furniture. Depending on how deep the stain is embedded will determine how to clean. Surface blemishes can be treated with a cleaner designed especially for pet stains. If the stain has penetrated deep within the carpet pile down into the padding and subfloor, consult a profession to do further research for the best plan of action.


Grooming is good for a pet and good for the home as well. Removing loose pet hair and trapped dirt will help keep a furry friend smelling clean; all it takes is 5 to 10 minutes each day. Bath time is important too, gauging how often is based on their lifestyle. If the pet spends most of their time inside and receives the majority of their exercise through being walked than once every three months is adequate. If they are rolling around, playing in the grass and dirt outside each day than bath time needs to be ramped up. Just be careful not to wash them too often, the natural oils in their fur are essential to protecting the skin.

Where is my binky?

Does your pet have a favorite toy(s)? Over time toys become dirty and can stink from absorbed pet odor. Here are some basics:

  • Plastic or rubber toys can be washed with hot water and a mild soap; be sure to rinse them well. Using the dishwasher is also an option; avoid adding detergent it maybe too harsh.
  • Rope toys and stuffed animals are harbingers of bacteria; sanitizing through the hot water cycle is required for cleaning. Not all toys will endure this type of action, but it is best for the dog’s health. Proper drying will be needed too to avoid the onset of mold and mildew.
  • Bones or toys filled with food should be eaten on a tile floor or outside; allowing a pet to drag these to his favorite carpet spot is asking for odor trouble.

Marking territory

Animals instinctively will lay claim to a home by leaving their scent behind. This can be performed through a series of actions; the one most detrimental to a home’s interior is by spraying urine. Experts will council on spaying or neutering the pet to discourage this urge, but that is one of many solutions and it may take more than one to solve the problem. Visit the Humane Society for more information on dogs and cats. Also consult a veterinarian or groomer if your pet routinely rubs their butt across a carpeted area; anal glands may be impacted and require being expressed.

Establishing these habits is an effective way to avoiding pet odor from keeping your home from smelling fresh with the added benefit of maintaining a pet’s good health.

See Delta Adsorbents complete product line of odor and moisture control solutions.